Hermann Eben

Hermann Eben

Hermann's professional journey spans over 40 years and encompasses a range of roles and skills. His expertise includes Planning & Development, Project Management, Information Systems, Acquisition & Merger, Business Transformation, and Executive Management. This experience has added adaptability and versatility for coaching in various professional settings.

In 1998, Hermann co-founded TrimTab Solutions, which has now evolved into the GR8 Solutions Group. This company is dedicated to building superior cultures with exceptional leaders. Hermann's GR8 Leaders material is designed to help leaders create engaged, serving, and self-governing cultures. Most importantly, it helps develop high-performance leaders with excellent values, focused execution, structured innovation, maximized strengths, and clear communication. The material and coaching deliver proven results based on simple and effective principles.

Before founding GR8 Solutions Group, Hermann served in various executive management roles for Pioneer Natural Resources and its predecessors. Pioneer was a large, independent, international oil and gas company in the United States. During his twelve years with Pioneer, he was VP of Corporate Development, VP & Chief Information Officer, VP of Special Projects, VP of Investor Relations, and various other titles in subsidiaries, including Managing Director of Parker & Parsley Development Partners, LP. He was intimately involved with the strategy, planning, development, and execution of the company's growth from a small oil and gas company to a multi-billion-dollar entity traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

During his time at Pioneer, his roles spanned a wide range of responsibilities, from analysis and planning to negotiation and implementation. He was instrumental in acquiring more than $2 billion of oil and gas properties. From 1993 to 1996, his focus shifted to strategy, technology, and personnel development. In the later years, he helped develop the company's vision, mission, and goals, catalyzing the transformation of processes and technology, and enhancing teamwork and culture change. His experience helped him build the tools that are now integral to GR8 Solutions Group and GR8 Leaders.

Before Pioneer, Hermann's career focused on corporate development, strategic planning, and evaluating and acquiring oil and gas properties. He successfully raised funds for acquisitions through presentations to financial and investor institutions. Notably, in 1981, he spearheaded the divestiture process that led to the Delhi International Oil Corporation sale for $620 million. Those early career experiences helped develop his thoughts about leadership, strategic thinking, and effective personnel development.

He has developed comprehensive leadership and relationship courses, written multiple books, and created numerous leadership workshops. International missionary organizations use his leadership and relationship books and material. He has served on organization boards and chaired charitable events.

Early credits achieved were Salutatorian of Mesquite High School in 1967, All Big Eight football in 1968, 1969, and 1970, and All-America (Honorable Mention) in 1970. Others describe him as motivational with excellent facilitation skills, creative in determining and implementing solutions, persevering, and effective in handling new and challenging situations.

Hermann has lived in Midland, Texas, since 1983 and has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He grew up in Mesquite, Texas, and graduated from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration. He is certified as a Business Structural Consultant, an Individual Structural Consultant, a Creating What Matters® facilitator, a Kolbe Conative Index® Interpreter, and a certified Managerial Moment of Truth facilitator.

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